Here's to the crazy ones

Steve Jobs, who narrated this text in Apple's 1997 marketing campaign, is often seen as a visionary.  But isn't he just a guy who trusted in his own essential identity?  Someone who was self-assured, believing in destiny, and therefore never wavering from his own personal developmental journey, whatever the circumstances or influence of others?  Does being headstrong lead to success?

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Just play.  All the time.  As much as you can.  As George Land highlighted in his NASA study, when we decrease play, our literal overal  intelligence decreases as a result.  

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Keep it simple

Whichever stage you're at in a (design) process, the ability to keep it simple can be really handy.  Sometimes even essential.

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Our intelligence - the capacity to remember information, to learn and our ability to communicate effectively with each other - is what sets us apart from all other species.  Storytelling is base in the combination of these three aspects of humanity.  We experience, process and pass on accounts of events in our lives to those who are significant to us.  The variations from factual to artful, from intimate to broadcasting, from ritualistic to survivalist, and from simplistic to convoluted are legion.  All humanity has always partaken in storytelling and always will.

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